Saturday, May 7, 2011

Lincoln is ONE!

Well, it's official. My baby boy turned ONE on May 1st, 2011. Where has the time gone? I know everyone says this but this past year has really been the fastest year ever. But it has also been the most rewarding! Lincoln has been a complete joy every day. Lucas and I couldn't be prouder parents! :) we are very blessed. There are so many pictures I would love to share from this past year, but I'm afraid it would take me FOREVER to load them. I did get his First year baby book finished and I also made another book with all of his monthly pictures in the brown chair. Each month I would take a picture and then write down what he was up to that month. I'm so glad I did this! It took some time but it was worth it and I know I'll be glad to look at it even in 20 years :)

Ok, so before we get to his 12 month pics, let's take a quick stroll down memory lane...
This is me at 41 weeks pregnant, just before we left for the hospital to be induced. I really still felt great! Uncomfortable, but still pretty good for 41 weeks. This is us on my first mother's day! Lincoln was one WEEK old! I was so excited to dress him in his first sweater vest. :)

And here is our first family photo as a family of 3!

Lincoln Edward DeShong moments after birth! This brings back such good memories of that day.

What a cutie! I love this picture because it shows him with his tongue hanging out...which he had hanging out for like the first 4 months of his life! ha!

Headed home from the hospital!

And now.... here is our Little Man at ONE!

I didn't realize that last pic he had his eyes closed. Oh well, we had several out-takes! My mom bought the tie shirt for him before he was even born. I couldn't wait until he was big enough to wear it! I love it so much on him!

I will post pictures of his birthday party soon. Lucas loaded them onto the computer and I'm not sure where he stored them...they aren't in the usual place I keep my pictures...but I know they are safe somewhere!

Happy Mother's Day tomorrow!

Here are Lincoln's 11 and 10 month pictures! I really tried to load more but the computer is acting up tonight. Taking forever to load! As you can see from the pics below he does not sit still very long! He is holding his favorite toy in this pic...a ball. He loves all balls and loves carry them around everywhere! He can already say "basketball" and he recognizes basketball goals on our walks through town. It's pretty funny!

At 10 months he learned to take his first steps! It didn't take long and he was off and going. Looking back at some earlier months in his baby book I wrote down that we thought he was going to be an early mover. We were right! Crawling at 6.5 months and walking at 10. He has kept us very busy!

Next update will be his 1st birthday party!! YIKES!